In this post, I will start down the path of implementing the basics of a Z-Machine. The focus here is making sure there is understanding of exactly what a Z-Machine is, at a fundamental level.
Continue reading The Ontology of GrueCategory: Z-Machine
A series of posts related to building and testing a Z-Machine implementation.
Setting up the Grue
In this post, I’ll cover getting set up to develop the Grue Z-Machine implementation. By the end of this post, the goal is to have the start of a working project.
Continue reading Setting up the GrueContext for the Grue
In this post, I’ll give you an idea of how the Grue project is set up, which involves discussing the programming language and ecosystem to be used. This is the kind of information that, as a tester, I like to know. Indeed, these details matter for anyone looking to develop a Z-Machine implementation.
Continue reading Context for the GrueEaten By A Grue
For the duration, this blog will move in a slightly different direction than it has in the past. I’ll use this oddly titled post to explain what that means and why that is. By the end of the post, the title won’t seem so odd. And even if it still seems odd, it will at least be understandable.
Continue reading Eaten By A Grue