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WebDriver in JavaScript with Promises

As a tester wanting to write test tools in the JavaScript context, you have to get used to the concepts of callbacks and promises. This is one area that is very different from other programming languages when considering automation. So let’s talk a bit about that.

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JavaScript with Selenium WebDriver and Mocha

I talked previously about using Selenium WebDriver in the context of JavaScript. There I used Jasmine as a test runner for Selenium. Here I want to expand on this by using the arguably more popular Mocha as well as get into more depth on automation construction.

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Writing Test Solutions with JavaScript: Testing Browser Apps

If you look at the JavaScript test tool ecosystem, you will find it’s generally quite large. But you will see the same tool names pop up fairly regularly. The decisions actually fall along some fairly simple and standard lines. In this post I want to show you at least some of your choices and then apply those choices to testing against a web application.

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Writing Test Solutions with JavaScript: Mocha and Chai

In this post, I want to cover using two particular libraries as part of the JavaScript testing ecosystem. I’ll be very briefly covering Mocha and Chai. I tend to use these quite a bit and will likely do so in future posts. This post will thus serve as a brief introduction to the tools along with a working example.

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Writing Test Solutions with JavaScript: Starting Out

As many of my readers my know, or have figured out, I’ve been a fan of the Ruby language for quite some time and I’ve used it to construct some of my own open source testing solutions. I’m now actively pursuing JavaScript as my potential test ecosystem of choice. In a few upcoming posts, I’ll talk about this journey with practical examples. This first post starts things off by getting you up and running with a few possible JavaScript technologies.

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Grunting Your Way Into JavaScript

A challenge testers sometimes have, particularly those working to build up their technical skill set, is how to get involved in various programming language ecosystems. Often people start by trying to learn the language and I’ve found that’s not the most helpful approach for some. Sometimes you are better off starting with supporting tools, which forces you to use other supporting tools. Along the way you learn bits of the language in context. Then you can go back and learn the language in a more reference style. I’ll show what I mean here with using Grunt as a springboard to getting into the JavaScript ecosystem.

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