Modularizing Descriptive Programming in QTP

In a previous post, I talked about how I prefer the choice of descriptive programming in terms of my QTP logic for recognizing objects. Descriptive Programming (DP) is a specific approach that QTP makes possible for constructing your recognition strings programmatically. Anyone who has had to modify SilkTest frame files or create XPath-based locators for Selenium will quickly realize that “descriptive programming” is really just a name that QTP has given to what many tools already make possible. In fact, it’s the Object Repository (OR) — the alternative approach in QTP — that tends to be a value-add of QTP beyond other tools, at least for some people.

In any event, my previous post was a little skimpy on specific details so here I’ll look at a specific example of modularizing some test logic using the descriptive approach in QTP.

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