Here I simply want to be one more voice calling attention to ISO 29119 and the viewpoint that it should not be adopted.
For context, ISO, along with IEEE and IEC, have been promoting a set of standards known as ISO 29119. Its focus is primarily on test planning and documentation. You can feel free to buy the full standard but the fact that you have to buy it is pretty much point number one against it.
There is a momentum right now against the standard, including a petition to stop it.
I signed it. If you feel so inclined, you should as well.
My particular problem with standards like these is that, as with many such concepts, there’s an assumption that adhering to the standards ensures a good test process and thus good quality. Test plans and test result documentation do not guarantee any sort of quality and they most certainly don’t guide people to test better, which I believe is one of the ongoing concerns in the test industry as a whole. My concern is that standards can have a negative effect, often removing the flexibility and need to innovate.
All this said, others have already commented on this far better than I could. Check out the comprehensive list of thoughts and opinions provided by Huib Schoots.
Here are some highlights from my point of view:
- James Bach – How Not to Standardize Testing
- Iain McCowatt – Stop 29119
- Fiona Charles – Why I oppose adoption of ISO 29119
- Keith Klain – The Petition to Stop ISO 29119
- Michael Bolton – Rising Against the Rent Seekers
- Karen Johnson – My Thoughts on Testing Certifications
Regardless of which side of the fence you fall on, being informed about ISO 29119 is a good thing.