Python 2 or 3?
There is still a divide between Python 2.x and Python 3.x, particularly in regards to certain documentation and support for various packages. Here I’m pretty much going to gloss over all of that, creating a very simple solution to get a Python 2 and 3 module packaged up, tested, and uploaded to the Python Package Index, also called PyPI. Oh, and please note that PyPi is pronounced “pie pee eye”, not “pie pie”. You’ll tick off a lot of Pythonistas if you get this wrong. Later I’ll also touch on the binary wheel format because I’ve found it to be another one of those confusing areas at first.Gather Your Resources
Everything I say here, and in this post in general, is applicable to Unix/Linux, MacOS, and Windows. I won’t cover individual nuances of each operating system but if you’re building test tools in Python, presumably you’ve already got some experience with Python on your operating system of choice. Beyond needing Python, of course, you need pip. You’ll probably already have it when you installed Python. Specifically, pip is installed for you if you are using Python 2.7.9 or greater as well as Python 3.4 or greater. Python also provides isolated virtual environments for development, using tools like virtualenv or venv. If you’re working in one of those, pip will also be available automatically. You’ll need setuptools and wheel. The good news is that you should likely have these already if you also have pip. Just dopip list
at your Terminal window/command prompt and you’ll find out what you have.
If for some reason you don’t have pip, you can use the get-pip script and run python
. Running this script will automatically get you setuptools and wheel.
Finally, you’ll probably want Twine. This you will likely not have automatically and so you install it by using pip: pip install twine
Incidentally, if you dual installed Python 2 and 3, you’ll likely have two executables for Python (python
and python3
) as well as two for pip (pip
and pip3
). Just be aware of that. If on Windows, I covered a bit about dual installing Python versions on Windows. On Mac, I find it simplest to just use Homebrew to install both Python 2 and Python 3.
PyPI and PyPI Test
In order to deploy anything you write, you can register on PyPI Live and also on PyPI Test. You must create an account in order to be able to upload your code. I recommend using the same email/password for both accounts, just to make your life easier when it comes time to push up your work. Not a requirement, but it might help you to create a.pypirc
configuration file. Make sure to put this file in your home folder – its path should be ~/.pypirc
or $HOME/.pypirc
. This would be %USERPROFILE%
on Windows.
This file can hold your information for authenticating with PyPI, both the live and the test versions. Again, this is just to make your life easier, so that when it comes time to upload you don’t have to type in your username and password.
Putting on my security hat, because this file holds your username and password, you may want to change its permissions so that only you can read and write it. From the terminal, run:
chmod 600 ~/.pypircOn Windows, this likely means using icacls. In terms of what to put in this file, I’ve found tutorials on this vary a surprising amount, but what seems to work best is:
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[distutils] index-servers = pypi test [pypi] repository= username=your_username password=your_password [test] repository= username=your_username password=your_password |
Starting Structure
I’m just going to show you a possible starting structure and then explain the files. Feel free to create all this as you read along. I’ll show you what to add to each file as we go. NOTE: if you do want to follow along, you’re going to have to choose a name other than “proverb” because when we get to the deploy part of this (which will be in the third post), you have to deploy with a unique name.proverb proverb .gitignore LICENSE README.rst setup.pyI’ll be the first to admit, a lot of tutorials start out a bit slower, incrementally building a relatively easy solution. In the case of Python, I’ve personally found it’s better to include as many of the moving parts as possible as early as you can. So now let’s break this down a little bit.
Structure Breakdown
The top level directory is the root of my code repository; basically, the project directory. The important point for now is that the secondproverb
directory is my actual Python module. So two “proverb” directories is not a mistake here.
Basic Support Files
If you’ve deployed any project source code to GitHub, I’m fairly sure you’re familiar with why you want a.gitignore
file. Here’s what mine looks like:
# Compiled python modules. *.pyc # Setuptools distribution folder. /dist/ # Python egg metadata, regenerated from source files by setuptools. /*.egg-info /*.eggs /*.eggA license file is always good, of course, presuming you want people to use your solution. You might notice my README file is not in Markdown format, which is the most common format you’ll generally see, particularly when coming from Ruby or Java. PyPI doesn’t pay attention to Markdown format at all. It won’t reject it but it also won’t use it. PyPI does recognize reStructuredText (RST). So if you want PyPI to render your no doubt carefully crafted README on the package homepage, it has to be in RST format. There are some tricks to get around this and I’ll likely come back to one of them later.
file is necessary to tell setuptools to include the README.rst file when generating source distributions. Otherwise, only Python files will be included. Here’s what my file looks like:
include README.rstIf you wanted to include other files, such as the LICENSE, or whatever else, you could just add more
lines. Basically you just have to add all files and directories that are not already packaged due to the “packages” keyword in the setup file. It’s that setup file which we’ll look at next.
One of the most important files here
because it handles the coordinating aspects of making your module/package available. Every package on PyPI needs to have a file called
at the root of the directory. PyPI uses the metadata in this file.
Every project that you want to package in a Python context needs a
file that will be executed whenever you build a distribution and — unless you install a wheel — on each installation. Unlike other ecosystems there really isn’t much of an “init” process for constructing a new package, although PEP-0517 and PEP-0518 are attempting to address that. Again, it’s kind of odd to me that Python still doesn’t have this sort of mechanism in place.
file is the file that describes the files in your project and other meta information. One of the problems you’ll likely run into when learning all this is that you’ll see a lot of examples that show this at the top of the file:
1 |
from distutils.core import setup |
1 |
from setuptools import setup |
Example Setup
I’m not going to go through a tutorial of everything you can put in For that, I do recommend How To Package Your Python Code. Here’s what my example looks like:
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from setuptools import setup def readme(): with open('README.rst') as f: return setup( name='proverb', version='0.1', description='Statement to Live By', long_description=readme(), classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Topic :: Text Processing :: Linguistic', ], keywords='bible proverbs', url='', author='Jeff Nyman', author_email='', license='MIT', packages=['proverb'], include_package_data=True zip_safe=False ) |
method of the setuptools
Since I was just talking about the manifest file prior to this, please note that in order for the files listed in the manifest to be copied at install time to the package’s folder (inside site-packages
, which is where Python installs everything) you must use the include_package_data=True
The version is important for obvious reasons. But you should note that PyPI and the packaging ecosystem do have some opinionated stances on the structure of the version string. See PEP-0440 if you are curious. That said, if you’re used to semantic versioning or, quite frankly, just the idea of a major and minor build, you’re pretty much good to go.
The classifiers field has a debatable amount of usefulness to it. However, if you are going to have it you must pick from the approved list of classifiers. If you don’t do this, and use what are unkown classifiers, PyPI will refuse your package.
Notice how the “long_description” makes a call to a readme()
function I defined. This is a fairly common practice in the Python world, where the readme file serves for what is called the “long description” which simply prints out more information about your package. It seems useful to reuse the readme in many cases but, obviously, that wouldn’t apply if your readme became incredibly long and involved.
Module File:
files are required to make Python treat any directory that the file is in as one that contains packages. This is a very different concept if you are coming from other languages, so let me talk about this a little.
You will hear that Python uses these files to prevent directories with a common and possibly already-used name, such as ‘string’, from unintentionally hiding valid modules that occur deeper on the module search path.
The rationale here is that Python searches a list of directories to resolve names. This most notably occurs when import statements are handled. Because modules can be any directory, and arbitrary ones can be added by the end user, Python has to be concerned with directories that happen to share a name with a valid Python module, such as ‘string’. To alleviate this, Python ignores directories which do not contain a file named
It’s important to note that Python 3.3 and up has the concept of Implicit Namespace Packages. These allow you to create packages without an
file. If you want your code to also work in Python 2, however, you should keep these files in place. All of your Python 2 packages that do have
files will still work in terms of imports in Python 3.
To keep things simple for this initial post, put the following in this file:
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def saying(): return ( u'Let not mercy and truth forsake thee:\n' u'Bind them about thy neck;\n' u'write them upon the table of thine heart.\n' u'\n' u'Proverbs 3:3' ) |
Install It!
Now we can install the package locally (for use on our system), with:pip install .This is very similar to
rake install
for a Ruby gem or mvn clean install
for a Java package.
If you check pip list
you should see “proverb” listed among whatever else you have installed. You can also try pip show proverb
, which will give you information about your package.
Run It!
Now start up your Python interpreter and do the following:>>> import proverb >>> print(proverb.saying())