The Tester Role in Machine Learning, Part 4

This is the last of a four part series (see parts 1, 2 and 3). The goal has been investigating whether specialist testers have a role in machine learning environments uniquely distinct from development roles in those same environments. These posts have been getting you up to speed on what that might look like. Here we finish off that journey. Continue reading The Tester Role in Machine Learning, Part 4

The Tester Role in Machine Learning, Part 3

This post continues on directly from the first and second parts. I covered a lot of material in those posts so I can’t easily recap it here so definitely read those before reading this one. Here we’ll dig more into how a tester actually tests in this context but also look at testing as a framing activity. Continue reading The Tester Role in Machine Learning, Part 3

The Tester Role in Machine Learning, Part 2

This post continues on directly from the first one in the series. We’ll take the CartPole example we started with and continue our journey into how testing — particularly that done by a specialist tester — intersects with the domains of data science and machine learning. Continue reading The Tester Role in Machine Learning, Part 2

The Tester Role in Machine Learning, Part 1

As a tester are you ready to work in environments that are based in or around data science and machine learning? What will you actually do in these environments? How will you interact with developers? How technical do you have to be? Is it all just automated testing? Or do we still have room for a human in there somewhere? Let’s dig into this a little bit by going through a scenario. Continue reading The Tester Role in Machine Learning, Part 1