Using Serenity with Cucumber, Part 3

This post follows on from the previous (see part 1 and part 2). Here I’ll close out this series of posts by performing a bit more abstraction and finish up with some thoughts about how and to what extent the Cucumber abstraction fits in. Continue reading Using Serenity with Cucumber, Part 3

Using Serenity with Cucumber, Part 2

In the first post of this series, I got us set up with a Serenity repository using Maven as our build tool. I also started us on the path of applying Cucumber-JVM by putting a feature file in place. In this post we’ll start tying Cucumber into Serenity’s runtime operations. Continue reading Using Serenity with Cucumber, Part 2

Using Serenity with Cucumber, Part 1

I’ve talked a bit about Serenity in previous posts as well as Cucumber-JVM. Here I’ll combine the two and talk about how to set up a simple Cucumber-style project. Along with this focus, I’ll be concentrating a bit more on the Serenity reporting as part of this. Continue reading Using Serenity with Cucumber, Part 1

Screenplay Pattern with Java, Part 3

This post follows on from the previous (see part 1 and part 2). Here we’ll wrap up the test we started with by making sure the test actually performs some sort of verification. This will complete my initial tour of screenplay-based functionality within the context of Serenity. Continue reading Screenplay Pattern with Java, Part 3

Screenplay Pattern with Java, Part 2

This post is following on the from the first post in this series. Here I’m going to dig a little further into the screenplay pattern, finishing up the execution of the test started in the first post. I’m focusing on the screenplay pattern itself here. That pattern can be applied in any programming language. I happen to be using Java, and I’m using a tool (Serenity) that already encapsulates this pattern. Continue reading Screenplay Pattern with Java, Part 2

Screenplay Pattern with Java, Part 1

In this tutorial post, I’ll begin covering how to apply the screenplay pattern with the Serenity framework. This is a “roll-up your sleeves and code” post. Here I will take a measured approach to demonstrating the screenplay pattern in the context of a working example. Continue reading Screenplay Pattern with Java, Part 1

Screenplays and Journeys, Not Page Objects

I wrote about Serenity with Java in a previous post. There I covered just the basics to get you up and running. Here I want to talk about what I think is the primary value-add of Serenity, which is its focus on the screenplay pattern. I think it’s beyond debate that automation engineers should know of this pattern and use it. It’s up for debate whether Serenity’s implementation is a good way to go about it. I leave answering that latter question to the reader. Here I just want to explore the idea as it is implemented. Continue reading Screenplays and Journeys, Not Page Objects

Java Automation with Serenity

Serenity is a Java-based library for test automation that wraps and extends WebDriver and JUnit functionality. Serenity also wraps around BDD style tools like Cucumber and jBehave. It even has some nice Jira integration. These benefits aside, Serenity can be a little hard to wrap your head around so I’m hoping this in-depth post will aid automaters who want to give it a try. Continue reading Java Automation with Serenity