Build Your Own Language, Part 5

If you’ve followed this series up to this point, you now have a lexing and parsing engine that, while not doing much, is passing its tests. What we don’t have is a way to really say that our language works because there’s no runtime. That’s what I’ll start to address in this post.

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Build Your Own Language, Part 4

We left off with a parser test we wanted to execute (in parser_spec.rb) and a grammar file to generate a parser (in grammar.y). The actions specified in the grammar file, and thus what will be tested in the spec file, are nodes. So getting those nodes in place will be the focus of this post.

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Build Your Own Language, Part 3

Following on from the second post in this series, a lexer has now been created that can tokenize some input for a hypothetical language. Given what was accomplished, theoretically I can use my language to create the most minimal sort of class definition. I’d really love to know if I’m completely on the wrong track here. So I’d like to get started on the parser at this point rather than fleshing out the language more.

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Build Your Own Language, Part 2

Following on from the first post in this series, I did a development spike that proved to myself I had some clue as to what I was doing. So now I want to get into actually building a language from soup to nuts: meaning I want an interpreted language that executes via a runtime. Granted, this will be a very simple language (and not very unique). It will also be a very simple runtime. Let’s see what happens, shall we?

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Build Your Own Language, Part 1

In previous posts I talked about how one of my goals was to come up with an alternative to Gherkin. This is not in the “just to see if I can” category but rather because I believe it could be useful to roll your own Gherkin-like language. This post, however, will be in the “just to see if I can” category. Here I want to take what I learned about lexing and parsing and apply that to creating a simple programming language. Fair warning: I have no idea how this is going to turn out.

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A Tester Learns Rex and Racc, Part 3

This post continues on directly from the second post in this series. Assuming you’ve been following along, you’ve broken your input into a stream of tokens. Now you need some way to recognize higher-level patterns. This is where Racc comes in: Racc lets you describe what you want to do with those tokens. That’s what I’ll be covering here: how the parser works with the lexer.

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A Tester Learns Rex and Racc, Part 2

In my previous post on this subject I started off on the learning process for building a lexer with the Rex (Rexical) tool. Here I want to update the logic I provided in that post to show how to make it more testable. I then want to expand on the example of using Rex with something a bit more substantive.

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A Tester Learns Rex and Racc, Part 1

As a tester, I like to know how things work. So when I started investigating the basis for the tool Cucumber, I came across the concept of Gherkin. That was written with the help of a system call Ragel. What I was curious about was whether I could build one of these languages on my own, perhaps for a customized testing tool. This caused me to stumble upon Rex and Racc, which are two Ruby-based tools that help you build your own languages. The documentation on these tools, however, is on the bad side of awful. This post is purely to document and share what I learned.

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