Using Lucid in Context, Part 1

Here I’m assuming you have followed the previous post and have a project set up and ready to go. This post will take you through using Lucid with Fluent and also talk a little bit about how you write your TDL and some of the considerations that go into that. This will be a fairly comprehensive post, attacking along a few different lines of thought.

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Using the Lucid Project Generator

In previous posts regarding the Lucid tool, I showed how to use it in terms of its basic execution cycle as well as how to augment that cycle by calling out to an external library. In this post I’ll show how Lucid can help people get started with the tool by having it generate a particular project structure for you.

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Using Lucid on Web Apps

In the previous Getting Started with Lucid series (see parts 1, 2 and 3), I gave a general idea of how to use the Lucid tool, with some broad brush strokes into the execution cycle as well as some of the options you can use to modify that cycle. Here we’ll investigate how to get Lucid to talk with another application that you want to test.

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Starting Out With Lucid, Part 2

In the first post in this series I took you through some steps to use Lucid by creating the start of a test specification and seeing how that specification could be made executable. This post will continue the process, building on what was already created, but also getting into some details about the conventions Lucid uses for directories where it looks for files.

Continue reading Starting Out With Lucid, Part 2