Symbiont Now Supports Capybara

Since its inception my Symbiont framework has provided a wrapper for Watir WebDriver, which in turn provides a wrapper for Selenium WebDriver. One of the other major libraries out there that wraps Selenium is called Capybara. I wanted to see what kind of support I could provide for that. In this post I’ll cover these changes.

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Testing with SauceLabs

If you are a tester and deal with automation, you will likely at some point have to run your tests on SauceLabs or some similar remote platform. In talking with some testers, this tends to make them a little nervous and I’ve found this comes down to them thinking it’s more difficult than it really is. So here I’ll cover how to do this with two popular automation libraries in Ruby and then I’ll show how to do the same thing using my Symbiont framework.

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Data Building with Symbiont

In the previous post in data setting, I talked about the start of a data builder pattern. Sometimes it’s nice to have your automation use descriptive phrases that stand in for specific bits of data. So here I’ll describe how Symbiont allows this by adhering to a data builder pattern.

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Symbiont and the Context Factory

In the post on using page objects with Symbiont, the focus was on how Symbiont leverages the page object to allow test scripts to separate intent from implementation. This also allowed for test script logic to be concise in terms of its expression. Here I’m going to focus on how we can get even slightly more concise by adhering to a factory pattern.

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Symbiont and the Page Object

In the post on going from Watir to Symbiont, I talked about how Symbiont encourages you to delegate as much as possible to the page definition. The reason for this being that page definitions get turned into page objects, thus allowing your scripts to rely on the page object to handle functionality, rather than having each automated script do so. Here I’ll explore that idea a bit more.

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From Watir to Symbiont

Encouraged a bit after the fact by a Ruby test framework in 15 minutes, along with my own post on a slimmed down Ruby test framework, and coupled with my Dialect experiment, I reworked an existing framework of mine (Symbiont) from another framework of mine (Fluent). Here I’ll explain how to get started with Symbiont.

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