Working in our hypothetical developer-tester context over the last two posts, we’ve done some good work. We have a working implementation and we have some tests. Here we’ll finish up the work and close with some thoughts on the journey.
Continue reading Testers, Code and Automation, Part 3Category: Test Doing
Posts about actually doing testing rather than just talking about it.
Testers, Code and Automation, Part 2
This post will continue from the first post. Here I’ll continue the exploration of testers interacting and intersecting with code, while making sure to consider good test and code practices.
Continue reading Testers, Code and Automation, Part 2Testers, Code and Automation, Part 1
There is much talk out there about whether testers should learn code. There is even more talk out there about automation. What there isn’t, at least so far as I can see, is much that shows actual examples that break down some concepts, particularly for testers entering the field. Here’s one of my attempts.
Continue reading Testers, Code and Automation, Part 1