An Ode to Testability, Part 6

We’re continuing to build out our Benchmarker application, putting pressure on design as we go and keeping testability front-and-center as the quality attribute we want to provide, enhance, and maintain. Keep in mind we’re still slogging toward value, assuming that, for the most part, we’re handling correctness as we go along. Continue reading An Ode to Testability, Part 6

An Ode to Testability, Part 5

In the previous post we ended up creating tests with a context. And that context was allowing us to bridge the gap between correctness and value while also continuing to put focus on testability. We saw some warning signs along the way but, overall, made progress. Here we’ll continue that progress and also start to see how while testability is something to strive for, just doing so by itself guarantees us very little. Continue reading An Ode to Testability, Part 5

An Ode to Testability, Part 4

Here we’ll continue on from the previous posts, getting more and more into aligning correctness of implementation with value for the business. We’re also going to look a bit at that line where the “unit test” starts to shade into an “integration test” and thus where a “programmer test” might start becoming a “customer test.” Continue reading An Ode to Testability, Part 4

An Ode to Testability, Part 3

Here we’ll continue on from the first and second posts in this series. We made a good start with looking at the idea of correctness and attempting to encode our assumptions about that correctness in the form of code that was driven by tests. So let’s keep evolving our Benchmarker application. Continue reading An Ode to Testability, Part 3

An Ode to Testability, Part 2

We’re going to continue on from the first post in this series by starting to build our Benchmarker application. In the first post we considered design pressure on value. Now we’re going to get into correctness. Value and correctness are two sides of the testability coin. So let’s get started. Continue reading An Ode to Testability, Part 2

A Plea for Testability

Part of achieving quality in software means treating testability as a primary quality attribute. Once you do that, you can then adapt your requirements and development styles from that point of view. Whether you call that “agile”, “lean”, “scrappy” or whatever else is largely beside the point. The focus is on testability. But let’s talk about what that means.

Continue reading A Plea for Testability