What I want to show in this post is a history where “teaching” and “tutoring” became linked with “testing” which became linked with “programmed instruction” which became linked with “automatic teaching” and thus “automatic testing.” The goal is to show the origins of the idea of “automating testing” in a broad context. Fair warning: this is going to be a bit of a deep dive. Continue reading A History of Automated Testing
Category: Automation
Tests – Human Readable, Machine Expressive
In my previous post on human and automated testing working together, I showed an example of test design by humans that could be executed by automation. However, the focus point was making sure that the automation helped the humans adhere to an unambiguous domain model of what is being tested. Here I’ll follow up on that practical example with some of the theory.
Human Test Design, Automated Test Execution
One of the obstacles to covering the gap between principles of testing and the practice of testing is the mechanics of writing tests. This is particularly the case if you work in a business domain with a lot of complex business rules. This is even more particularly the case if you want to use automation. So let’s dig in to this a bit with a case study.
Continue reading Human Test Design, Automated Test Execution
The Architecture of a Micro-Framework
In a series of posts, I’ve talked about my Tapestry micro-framework and I tried to provide some of the rationale for its design choices. Providing that rationale meant providing a context for you to see it in action. This post will cap off the previous posts by digging into the code of Tapestry a bit and showing you how it works. I hope this is more relevant given that you’ve now seen it in action. Continue reading The Architecture of a Micro-Framework
Micro-Framework Context Patterns
In the previous post I talked about communication patterns in terms of the micro-framework and tests. Here I’ll talk about the expressiveness of the tests themselves, showing how Tapestry supports the idea of a context. Continue reading Micro-Framework Context Patterns
Micro-Framework Communication Patterns
In my last post on micro-frameworks, I got into the organizing principles of my Tapestry solution, by which the framework provides or supports a mechanism for the encapslation of and delegation to logic. Here I’m going to continue on that theme but with a focus on showing how the framework calls into the tests, rather than the reverse, and why I think this is a good design approach. Continue reading Micro-Framework Communication Patterns
Organizing Principles for Micro-Frameworks
This is a continuation of my exploration into providing insight into micro-framework creation for automation, using my own Tapestry tool by way of example. The first post set the context and the second post focused on exposing an API. Here we’ll dig into exposing the organizing principle. Continue reading Organizing Principles for Micro-Frameworks
The API of a Micro-Framework
Here I’ll continue on with the introduction of my Tapestry micro-framework that I started in the first post. This time I’ll focus on a bit on how you want to create an API interface for your micro-framework. Continue reading The API of a Micro-Framework
Writing Automation Micro-Frameworks
Here I want to talk a little about test automation framework construction. Or, rather, micro-framework construction. I will use my own tool, called Tapestry, for this purpose. Tapestry is written in Ruby but what I talk about is potentially transferrable to your language of choice. Continue reading Writing Automation Micro-Frameworks
Dance of the Automation Marionette
Using Serenity with Cucumber, Part 3
Using Serenity with Cucumber, Part 2
Using Serenity with Cucumber, Part 1
Screenplay Pattern with Java, Part 3
Screenplay Pattern with Java, Part 2
Screenplay Pattern with Java, Part 1
Screenplays and Journeys, Not Page Objects
Java Automation with Serenity
Why Test Engineers Should Learn Geb and Spock
Awhile back I talked about why test engineers should learn Groovy. Here I’ll focus on two specific tools in this ecosystem: Geb and Spock.
Continue reading Why Test Engineers Should Learn Geb and SpockAlong Came a Symbiont, Part 2
I’m going to continue introducing Symbiont in this post. In this post I’ll focus on the various ways that a script can be constructed.
Continue reading Along Came a Symbiont, Part 2